Project Videos

The EENVEST project videos have been released. A series of four illustrative videos to explain the importance of energy efficiency and how you can benefit from the EENVEST platform and service. Enjoy! 1st video: The importance of considering technical risks in EE projects – Graziano Salvalai, Politecnico de Milano 2nd video: How to read indicators […]

Final Conference Event

On June 29th, the EENVEST Final Conference event took place to say farewell to this three-year journey of the EENVEST project. During the Conference, speakers had the chance to explain the EENVEST methodology, platform and service, alongside the exploitation strategy and future perspectives. Also, other innovative sister projects in the field of energy efficiency investments, such as QUEST, LAUNCH and Triple-A, […]


The EENVEST project booklet has been released! There’s no better way to learn everything about our methodology, platform and service than with this detailed project explanation. Enjoy your reading! Check out the full booklet here.

Sixth EENVEST Newsletter

The sixth issue of the EENVEST newsletter is available. This edition of the newsletter features information about the project’s Final Conference event, celebrated on June 29. The two previous workshops are also covered, including information about the EENVEST demo sites in Italy and Spain. Finally, you can also read a recap of other dissemination activities and events that took […]

Fifth EEnvest Newsletter

The fifth issue of the EENVEST newsletter is available. This edition of the newsletter features three interviews with the project partners R2M Solution and Ecrowd!. Additionally, you will read a recap of the most important recent EEnvest events: the 2021 Sustainable Places conference, the 5th General Assembly and the Sinloc workshop “A new innovative de-risking tool to support the financing […]

Fourth EEnvest Newsletter

The fourth issue of the EENVEST newsletter is out. Inside you will get to read the interviews with the partners Politecnico di Milano and International Union of Property Owners (UIPI). In addition, you will get an insight of the the Webinar: “The Future of Multiple Benefits for Investors: Accelerating Energy Renovation Investments”, a sum up […]

Third EEnvest Newsletter

The third issue of the EEnvest newsletter is out. Inside you will get to read the interviews with the partners Energinvest and IES. In addition, you will get an insight of the the “De-risking Energy Efficiency Investments” Workshop at Sustainable Places 2020 and a sum up of the 3rd General Assembly that took place at the beginning of December 2020, […]

De-risking Energy Efficiency Investments through Innovation

Three European Union’s Horizon 2020 projects, EEnvest, Triple-A and Quest, are developing innovative solutions to tackle the actual challenges related to Energy Efficiency Building Investments focusing on how to render those investments attractive to the financial sector. Last Thursday 29th of October they joined forces on “De-risking Energy Efficiency Investments” common workshop that took place […]

Second EEnvest Newsletter

The second issue of the newsletter is out. Inside you will get an overview on the progress and development of the project’s results, as well as interviews with the partners Sinloc and GNE Finance. Read it here

1st year of EEnvest

On July 1st 2020 EEnvest turned 1 year of existence. One third of its lifetime and the project is advancing quite well. Although the pandemic crisis of the coronavirus has affected us all, the Consortium has made a risk assessment and has taken measures in place to overcome the difficulties, making sure that EEnvest progresses […]